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All About

Culinary Director



Culinary(カリナリー)とは飲食全般の事を指しますが、様々なライフワークに溶け込んだ形で、『食べる・飲む』という事と向き合う時間の大切さをより多くの人と共有し発信していきたいという想いで2015年6月にCulinary Director(カリナリーディレクター)として発足したのが、『One Rice One Soup 一飯一汁(ワンライスワンスープ)』プロジェクトです。



One Rice One Soup, Inc.は、その飯(Rice)と世界中に存在する汁(Soup)を基盤に、シンプルだからこそ広がる無限の可能性を信じて、日本国内は勿論、世界、そして宇宙に向け、飲食店プロデュースやスタッフトレーニング、ポップアップイベント、マーケティングリサーチ、商品開発、レシピ開発、地方創生プロジェクト等、飲食に関わる『ヒト・コト・モノ』を、多岐にわたり時代の変化に合わせたスピード感を持って、更なる価値を共創していけるカリナリーチームとして2016年にニューヨーク・ブルックリンにて創設しました。





The meaning of existence,“Culinary Director”


  “Culinary” means everything about “Eating”, however our scope of activity is not only  in the things about “Eating”. We believe we can find so much more chances to realize the importance of eating/drinking in every single moments in our lifetime . That is not only can found in the field of “Eating”.

  With the philosophy, Our company’s CEO, Atsushi Nakahigashi started “One Rice One Soup (一飯一汁)Project “ in 2015, June.


  There is the name “瑞穂国” , it is the eulogistic name of japan means “The land blessed with beautiful rice fields , waving with the wind”. We think that is the Root of Japanese Soul and Spirit,“そ”,and the life work of the people called “Japanese”.


  We, One Rice One Soup, inc, established in 2016 in Brooklyn, New York. We take “飯(Rice)” as a important factor of being as Japanese and put it on to the main theme of our activities. The simple but ultimate setting of rice and soup.Through the ultimately simple setting, “素(Origin)” of Japanese way of thinking about “Eating”, we will spread out the idea by doing restaurant creation, development of product and human resources , pop-up events, marketing research, planning of recipe, and regional revival project. It’s all about “Human・Thing・Object”.

Our team’s activity changes in every moment, at the same speed of innovation among international culinary world, to create much more valuable result.


  Recently, the development in the field of information technology making it closer the distance between each countries. In the movement, Japanese culture touched various kinds of cultures and experienced big revolution drastically. Sometimes it turned out as a good changes but in some points, it’s not. Through the changes Japanese people forgot the fascination of Japanese traditional foods like rice, drinks like Green tea and Sake. As we said, our activities changes in every moment. However, we’d like to keep focusing on the universal and essential theme “Human・Thing・Object” and “Eating and Drinking”. We strongly believe “Culinary Director” can connect the things and things to make bright future in the field of Gastronomy.

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