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from our founder Atsushi Nakahigashi

創業者 中東篤志の想い



私がOne Rice One Soup, Inc.を設立したのは、農耕民族である日本人がこの小さな島国で長年育んできた、一飯一汁という一膳に込められたシンプルかつ、心が豊かになる素晴らしい飲食文化を世界中の多くの方々に知って頂きたい、そして、和食というものがその地その地にある素晴らしい食文化と融合し、変化しながらも、不変的な部分はいつまでも残り、和食の本質的な部分の種を世界中、そして宇宙に撒き、後世に残していける一つのきっかけを創りたいと思ったからです。

世界中のあらゆる国や地域、そして近い将来地球人が移り住むであろう宇宙の果てで、日本で育まれた飲食文化の種が各地に残り、将来おおきな木となって日本に帰ってくるよう、One Rice One Soup, Inc.は常に新しい事に挑戦し、成長していきます。

Infinite Culinary World

I founded One Rice One Soup, Inc. to spread this simple and affluent Japanese food culture to all over the world. One rice one soup (一飯一汁)is a meal introduced by Japanese agricultural community in this small island through many many years. Japanese food is changing itself influenced by other wonderful food and culture throughout the world but there is also a part that never change and keep its shape.  I would like to pass down this essential part of Japanese food culture to posterity by planting this seeds in the world and the universe.


In all countries and regions around the world, and the end of the universe where the people might migrate in the near future, seeds of Japanese food and culture will remain in various places and will return to Japan in the future as a big tree, One Rice One Soup, Inc. will always try new things and grow.




中東 篤志 Atsushi Nakahigashi


代表取締役/カリナリーディレクター/SSI 酒アドバイザー

CEO/Culinary Director/SSI Sake Advisor


幼少の頃から料理が日常にあり、12歳の頃から父のもとで料理を学び始めるが、高校卒業後、バス・フィッシングのプロを目指すため、アメリカへ移住。23歳になる頃、料理一家で育ったという自分自身のバックグラウンドを意識し始め、料理の道への復帰を決意。ニューヨークにある精進料理店で副料理長兼GMを務め、カウンター越しのお客様へ日本食の意味を説明する喜びを見出し、日本で育まれる飲食文化の海外発信に専念する為、29歳でカリナリーディレクター(Culinary Director)としてOne Rice One Soup, Inc.を設立。現在はニューヨークと京都を拠点に日本食のイベント企画や飲食店のプロデュース、食からの地域創生事業などを手がけている。

Atsushi Nakahigashi is the founder of the innovative food and beverage company NAKAHIGASHI in Kyoto, Japan, and OneRiceOneSoup, Inc. in NYC. Atsushi was born into a storied restaurant family in Kyoto. He began cooking professionally at the age of 12 at his father’s renowned Michelin-starred restaurant Soujiki Nakahigashi. After high school, Atsushi moved to the United States to compete as a professional bass fisherman. But at age 23, he felt the pull of his roots and decided to return to cooking. He arrived in New York, where he helped launch the Michelin-starred restaurant in the city that serves traditional Buddhist Shojin vegetarian cooking, and rising to the position of sous chef and general manager. Then Atsushi discovered the joy of explaining the meaning of Japanese cooking to customers seated at the dining counter. This experience inspired him to found NAKAHIGASHI, and One Rice One Soup, Inc. as a “Culinary Director” to disseminate Japanese culinary knowledge outside Japan. Atsushi now helps create Japanese restaurants and promote traditionally produced Japanese ingredients around the world.

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