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Japanese Food Lab at Japan House

外務省が日本文化を発信する為に世界三箇所で行なっているJapan House。


今回のテーマは一飯一汁(One Rice One Soup)。

1日目 "目から鱗なお米の洗い方と土鍋を使った白ご飯の炊き方&オーソドックスな本当に美味しい味噌汁の作り方"

2日目 "アメリカ食材を使った炊き込みご飯と季節の味噌汁“

3年前から続けてきたOne Rice One Soupのワークショップは舞台が大きくなっても伝えたい事は同じ。




The Japan House, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts in three places around the world to disseminate Japanese culture.

Representative of our company and also a culinary director, Atsushi Nakahigashi held the workshop two days on the 15th and 17th of August in Los Angeles.

The theme is “One Rice One Soup”

15th August:  How to wash rice, how to cook white rice using clay pot and how to make traditional really delicious miso soup.

17th August:  How to make mixed rice and miso soup with local seasonal ingredients.

We've been doing this workshop for 3 years. Our message is always the same, the importance of simple food.

Special tip for making really delicious white rice even though some Japanese people who cook rice every day may not know.

We are grateful that the event was fully booked early this year as well. We will continue spreading out our idea to more people.


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